Personal loans allow you to borrow a set amount of money to pay for something or consolidate debts. The amount you borrow must then be repaid in instalments, plus any interest or fees, over an agreed term.
Personal loans are commonly used to fund home renovations, travel, and big purchases like buying a boat, car or motorbike. Personal loans can also help fund a dream wedding day. When it comes to debt consolidation, a personal loan can be used to combine credit card debts and outstanding loans in one spot to help you manage repayments and take control of your finances.
Personal loans allow you to borrow a set amount of money to pay for something or consolidate debts. The amount you borrow must then be repaid in instalments, plus any interest or fees, over an agreed term.
Personal loans are commonly used to fund home renovations, travel, and big purchases like buying a boat, car or motorbike. Personal loans can also help fund a dream wedding day. When it comes to debt consolidation, a personal loan can be used to combine credit card debts and outstanding loans in one spot to help you manage repayments and take control of your finances.
An unsecured personal loan means we don’t need any property or collateral to allow you to borrow. This is different from a secured loan, like a mortgage or secured car loan, where you use your home or car as security to borrow against.